Ad Server - An ad server is a computer server, specifically a web server, that stores advertisements used in online marketing and delivers them to website visitors.
Background Process - A background process is a process running independently of the current process. It may create files on its own without input/output from the main program.
Chmod - The chmod command changes file permissions on the server. This can be done manually in FTP or SSH.
Chown - The chown command changes a file's owner. A server administrator will have to make this change.
CMS - Web content management systems are used to create powerful websites with a user friendly interface. They help setup and manage your site content.
Daemons - (pronounced deemon or daymon) A daemon is a long running process that you wouldn't normally stop/start. Sometimes they provide kernel services. If you look at Unix, anything ending with a 'd', such as httpd, is a daemon.
Dictionary Attack - A method often used by spammers. They send various emails or passwords to a domain hoping that one will succeed.
DNS - Stands for Domain Name Services. The general term refers to naming computers so that humans do not need to use IP addresses. In the hosting world, DNS usually means the nameservers, which guide domain name requests to the correct server. GoMedia will send you two nameservers in your welcome email.
GNU - The GNU General Public License that is attached to Unix and Linux OS.
GUI - A graphical user interface or GUI is a type of user interface which allows people to interact with a computer and computer-controlled devices. Instead of requiring typed commands, the GUI offers graphical icons, visual indicators or special graphical elements called "widgets".
IDLE - In e-mail technology, IDLE is an IMAP feature that allows a client to indicate to the server that it is ready to accept real-time notifications.
LAMP - Lamp stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP.
Mailer-Daemon - Mailer-daemon is email server software responsible for message delivery. Messages from mailer-daemon usually indicate a problem with the recipient's mail server or address. For example, a common problem that causes a mailer Daemon message is sending a message to an incorrect e-mail address. If you send legitimate email to a valid account and still get responses back from mailer-daemon , your domain may be on a blacklist.
Overselling - Overselling refers to the ability to sell more bandwidth and disk space than you have.
Payment Gateway - Another name for a Merchant Account. This allows you to accept credit cards and other electronic payments.
PDF - The Portable Document Format (PDF ) is the file format created by Adobe Systems. PDF is used for representing documents with text, fonts, images, and 2-D graphics. Common uses are to distribute copies of books and owner manuals.
Pointer Record - A pointer record is a common name for a PTR record.
Propagation - Propagation is the process where your new DNS information is spread to all the computers in the world. This process can take up to 48 hours to complete. Until propagation is complete, your domain and emails will not work consistently.
PTR record - A PTR record lets anyone receiving your email to verify that it originates from the expected location. If no, then the email is likely spam.
Queue - (pronounced kyoo) A queue is a list of requests that are waiting to be answered.
Reverse DNS - A Reverse DNS Lookup is when someone searches your IP address to match it to your domain. A reverse DNS record is a common name for a PTR record .
SSI - Server side includes. A scripting language used to get information from the server and include it on your webpage. It can also be used to include other files from the server.
SPF Record - An SPF record is an entry added to the DNS zones for a domain. This record verifies that a user has permission to send mail from that domain. This is used to prevent spoofing.
tty - TTY means teletype, which is a text phone. So, a TTY is any device which accepts text messages. TTY is also a Unix command that outputs the name of the current terminal.
Urchin Stats - A statistics program like AW Stats.
Web Application Framework - A web application framework is software that aims to reduce server work associated with common activities used in Web development. For example, many frameworks provide libraries, templates, style sheets and anything else that can reuse code.
Whois - A whois search finds the registration information on a domain name. The whois information is the domain owner's contact information.