PHPChat is a script that was available through cPAddon, in cPanel. Unfortunately, cPAddons are deprecated scripts.
We cannot enable this. The cPAddons are no longer available, and we recommend using Fantastico Deluxe, instead.
PHPChat is a script that was available through cPAddon, in cPanel. Unfortunately, cPAddons are deprecated scripts.
We cannot enable this. The cPAddons are no longer available, and we recommend using Fantastico Deluxe, instead.
To password protect directory: Note: At this time, cPanel can only protect directories, not...
phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP to handle the administration of MySQL over the web. Databases...
Is there a way for me to copy an entire database in cPanel? Go to cPanel > MySQL Databases...
How can I import a database? Go to phpMyAdmin Click the new database name in the top left...
WARNING Never create a redirect for to or from to...