Default Address, Catchall

What is the default address?

It is a catchall mailbox that receives all emails written to a non-existing name @ your domain.

Why is this disabled?

We disable Default Address because if you don't know how to use it, it can cause your account to flood with email.

How do I enable it?

Please contact GoMedia and ask for your "catchall email to be enabled."

Once enabled, what do I do?

Go through the drop down and make sure every domain's Current Setting is ":fail: No Such User Here".

If the settings are wrong, or you are not sure, follow these steps.

  1. Select the first domain name in the drop-down.
  2. Choose "Discard with error to sender (at SMTP time)".
  3. Set the "Failure Message (seen by sender):" to No such person at this address.
  4. Click the Change button.
  5. Repeat for every name in the drop-down.

This will prevent your account from filling up with unnoticed spam.

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