- Click localization >> currencies
- USD is default, click new currency to add one
- Fill in the form (symbol left puts the symbol to the left of the number $2382 vs 2382USD (that would be symbol right)
- Decimal Point is usually a period. Some other countries use the ","
- Thousands Point is usually a comma. Some countries use a period. ex:
- Americans would use $279,009.32
- Where some other countries may use 890.930,32, and others still may use 1'323'234.93
- Decimal places - 2 should be sufficient.
- The value is a comparison relative to the default currency (which can be found by doing a simple internet search)
- This new currency may be set a default by clicking on the check box to do so.
This process allows the customer to select this currency before processing payment. To edit or delete this or any other currency, just click on add new currency.